Thursday, January 12, 2017


Every action in life is motivated by and begins with an intention. The important question is whether we are conscious of our intentions or life is just happening to us!

The facts are as follows:

Most people are simply unaware of their intentions behind what they think or what they do in day to day life, and as a result, they accumulate a collection of life experiences based on what happens to them without seeing the significance of their intentions.

When we think about doing something we are in fact following an intention which may be known or unknown to us but at the same time we should know that at that moment we are co-creating our own realities and we better be clear about our intentions.

To be able to live an intentional life we need to be aware of who we are, what do we really want and why we want that. If not, we will constantly find ourselves saying something but intending something else.

Any change begins with an intention because our intentions open us to new perceptions which consequently lead us to a new direction in life.

To live an intentional life means to be at peace within oneself and to lead a life which does not create animosity but it is full of kindness and generosity to all other beings. Our behaviors reflect our intentions which means “we say so”!

In an intentional life, there is no separation between us and other beings and we try to solve the problems of existence and not just our own personal problems. We choose the most positive thoughts and actions in each moment while remembering that we are the world and not just individuals.

Living an intentional life means that we listen to others without interpretation, we observe without judgment and we deal with what is at hand with compassion. The question to ask ourselves is – why am I thinking of doing this and what are my true intentions.

I would think that if the human beings were intentionally more careful in their lives we would not have caused all the atrocities in nature, in the environment and for many other beings on earth, the way that we have done so far.

Let us live an intentional life in 2017 and onward hoping to create better realities for ourselves and for all other beings.

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