Wednesday, July 24, 2013


If you are doing something to avoid pain, the pain is running your life. Your effort to avoid pain has created layer upon layer of sensitivities that are linked to the hidden pain. The other choice is to stop avoiding pain and to face it through inner work. There is tremendous joy within you on the other side of pain.

The personal growth is about transcending the part of you that is not OK with life and needs protection. To obtain inner freedom you must be able to objectively watch your problems instead of being lost in them. You have to be willing to just watch the fear without protecting yourself from it.

You can actually feel the fears and insecurity of a five-year old when you are sixty because that unfinished mental and emotional energy patterns are getting stored and reactivated.

Pushing away and/or clinging to your life experiences create energy blockages which are the cause of all your fears. The alternative is to enjoy life instead of pushing away or clinging to anything.

Real spiritual growth happens when all parts of you are unified. There is not a part that is scared and another part that is protecting the part that is scared. There is simply you (the consciousness) watching the dance of the psyche.

Decide that you don’t want the weakest part of you running your life. You want to talk to people because they are interesting not because you are lonely. All you need to do is to watch who is feeling lonely. The one that notices is already free.

Your mind is always telling you what to change outside in order to solve your inner problem. If you are wise you don’t play this game.

If you are not in touch with your emotions you will start acting out. That means you will do something but you won’t know why you are doing it. Examples are eating compulsively, yelling at a child when you had a bad day, getting drunk, etc. If you experience your emotions you will have less destructive behavior.

When you feel weak remind yourself that you are spirits who have taken on the physical experience and have far greater power than you are showing in the moment of weakness.

Try to create authentic power by transcending fear and choosing love in every moment of your life. Expand the loving part of your personality.

If you feel that you are giving all the time and are not receiving, your love is filled with sorrow for yourself. To others the love feels thick with need.

Power is energy that is formed by the intentions of the soul and love is the energy of the soul. When you hold someone responsible for what you experience you lose power. Accept responsibility for your choices and choose intention of love instead of fear.

The parents are the souls to whom you are closest in your life time, and whose influence upon you is the greatest. This is so even if it does not appear that way, even if, for example, you were separated from your parents, or a parent, at birth. Your soul and the souls of your parents agreed to your relationship in order to balance the energy that each needed to balance, or activate dynamics within each other that are essential to lessons that each must learn.

Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes and I am left the same as I began.

We are not troubled by things but by the opinions which we have of things. Let me see this exactly as it is, let me not distort it by judging it.

The way for gauging one’s spiritual strength is to find out how often you become disturbed in the course of a single day.

Don’t limit your child to your own learning, for he was born in another time.

A newly married couple said, “What shall we do to make our love endure?”
Said the Master, “Love other things together."

But I am where man chooses to look and see me. Even if he chooses to look within himself, there I am.

Each time you cling to something to stop yourself from falling, understand that it is falling too.

*Quotations from the books I have read and documented.

To be continued……..