Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ponder On These II

"Of all things in the world nothing is softer than water, and yet it wears away the hardest rocks. Furthermore, water is humble; it always seeks the low level, which men abhor. But yet, water finally overcomes every thing".

"You teach best what you most need to learn". 

"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they’re yours". 

"The mask of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly".

"A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror".

"Happiness happens when your consciousness is not dominated by addictions and demands and you experience life as a parade of preferences".

"Every person who awakens and sees the goal of life goes through the growing pains of wanting to save humanity instead of first saving himself"!

"As your consciousness expands you cease being critical and intolerant, because you rise above all those foolish, petty human irritations into the realm of peace and harmony".

"Love does not seek to hold, but to give".

"The old saw that we can only see someone’s fault because it is also our own still holds truth".

"The long journey continues, but I have learned to relax in the present, knowing that whatever comes is part of my ongoing, to be welcomed, learned from, and enjoyed. And the paradoxes continue to provide the spice".

"If a man seeks the good life for any reason outside itself, it is not the good life that he seeks".

"Don’t limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time".

"Relationship is a mirror in which I can see myself".

"A newly married couple said, “What shall we do to make our love endure?”
Said the Master: “Love other things together”.

"Each time you cling to something to stop yourself from falling, understand that it is falling too".

"The ways for gauging one’s spiritual strength is to find out how often you become disturbed in the course of a single day".

"Anything longed for in this world has two sides, and to ask for one is to demand the other as well".

"To care,
to be fair,
to be humble.
When a man cares he is unafraid,
When he is fair he leaves enough for others,
When he is humble he can grow".

"Loneliness is not only positively characterized by a certain degree of isolation, but is negatively characterized by a deficiency of participation".

"Anger in any form is a cry for help".

"To hide anything is to keep it. And tight is the grip of guilt".

"A rainbow is a promise".

*Selection of quotations from the books I read in the period of February 1989 – May 1990.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

There Is No Cure For The Facts Of Life!

I love Los Angeles. I’ve lived and worked there since I stepped foot in the United States and I consider it my home. I love the weather, I cherish the family and friends that I have, and I appreciate the large Persian community that live there.

As a career woman I worked in LA for more than a decade but I lost my job in August of 2011 and soon came to the heartbreaking conclusion that I can’t continue living there any more. Since then I’ve kept hope alive that I can remove or overcome all the different obstacles that have come my way but eventually, reality sank in.

Throughout this time of turmoil and trying to find ways to stay in LA, I visited my son in Louisiana and my daughter in Phoenix. In mid-April I left Phoenix for LA for a final attempt to weigh my options and see what’s possible there. Before long I realized that I simply can’t sustain a life there any more and that I need to surrender to what is as opposed to focusing on how things should be. Instead of expending so much energy resisting leaving LA, I thought it best to redirect this energy towards embracing what is and allowing room for it to be. From this energetic place, I would have more peace, providing a space for better things to happen as, and when they should.

This then became my new challenge and an opportunity for me to explore all the places where I cling or refuse to change. My goal became to gain the strength and have the courage to meet the challenge and to step right through it.

Making the final decision to leave LA was quite an emotional experience for me. While I was having a good time sight seeing and visiting friends and family members during this trip, I was well aware that I would soon leave and relocate to another state that I now would call home. It was quite a humbling experience for me to go through the motions every day without letting my sadness overshadow every experience. I had to consciously remain grateful for what was left of my time there and open my heart to the upcoming changes and possibilities.

Coming to terms with what relocation meant hasn’t been easy but I finally decided to move to Arizona with an open heart and to say farewell to the city that I love and cherish. It was very hard for me to leave LA on the day of my departure, but not as hard as keeping up with the hardships I would face and endure if I wanted to continue living there.

As said by one of the spiritual teachers: “There is no cure for the facts of life”. 

With this small piece of valuable wisdom, I will embrace each day with acceptance; gratitude and an open heart.