Thursday, April 6, 2017


Words of spiritual teachers
If your mind assumes a defensive posture, you thereby make your attacker.
(Hugh Prather)

Waiting is intentional intent of expectancy; patience is being. In a state of being you are without pressure, you are without demand and you are allowed to create.

The surest way to become tense, awkward, and confused is to develop a mind that tries too hard – one that thinks too much. While the clear mind listens to a bird singing, the overstuffed – full – of – knowledge mind wonders what kind of bird is singing!            (Benjamine Hoff)

In spite of great distances, there is nowhere to go, in spite of everywhere else in the universe, the answer is here. There are no destinations, only the journey reached where ever we are.

When you find yourself in a battle with life, lose. There is no triumph over truth.
(Hugh Prather)

I am satisfied there is nothing to be done but to make the best of what cannot be helped, to act with reason oneself and with a good conscience. And that will not give all the joys some people wish for, yet it will make one very quiet.
(Lao Tzu)

The wise are who they are. They work with what they’ve got and do what they can do.
(Benjamine Hoff)

In terms of having, life is experienced as a horizontal expanse precipitating towards ever receding horizons; in terms of being, life is felt in vertical depths as awesome, foreboding and silently mysterious.
(Stephen Batchelor)

Life is most skillfully lived when one sails a boat, rather than rowing it.

It is the truth that liberates, not your effort to be free. When the mind is still – it is only then that it perceives the truth.
(J. Krishnamurti)

The substance of a thought is the peace it brings.
(Hugh Prather)

Water is humble, it always seeks the low level, which men abhor. But yet, water finally overcomes everything and wears away the hardest rocks.
(Lao Tzu)

To hide anything is to keep it. And tight is the grip of guilt.
(Hugh Prather)

We cannot change the way the world is, but by opening ourselves to the world as it is, we may find that gentleness, decency, and bravery are available – not only to us, but to all human beings.
(Chaoyang Trungpa)

If it is peace you want, seek to change yourself, not other people. It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to carpet the whole of the earth.
(Anthony de Mello)

Don’t fight a fact, deal with it.
(Hugh Prather)

Just as searching creates looking that prevents seeing, needing creates seeking that prevents finding. Finding is the opening that recognizes!

It is only through radical acceptance of what we are and the adoption of a path that takes into account the unfolding of our totality, that anxiety can be transcended and finally overcome.
(Stephen Batchelor)

Reverence is a way of being, but the path to reverence is through your heart, and only an awareness of your feelings can open your heart.
(Gary Zukav)

Become an ear that gives heed to every single thing the universe is saying. The moment you hear something you yourself are saying, stop.
(Anthony de Mello)

To experience peace, it is only necessary to practice the condition that will allow peace to come to your awareness. Peace is a given.

(Hugh Prather)
