Friday, April 19, 2013

The Night at CIBO's

My daughter recently purchased her first home which was a scary process for her, but it was almost as if it was meant to be, the way everything fell into place in every aspect. It was amazing that she loved the house at first sight and she also became best friends with the young lady who was her next door neighbor in a matter of few months.

During this time, my daughter discovered how similar her life has been to her neighbor’s even though our families each came from a different part of the world. For instance, her neighbor’s mother currently lives with her daughter, and I also had planned to live with my daughter as of next month. Realizing the things we had in common, the four of us agreed to have a dinner together during which it became so clear that we have been living parallel lives – meaning that our lives have been similar and comparable in many ways in terms of direction, course, and nature including what we had gone through and the challenges we were facing.

We the mothers have both been divorced, we each have a son and a daughter who are in their 30s and 40s, the girls were both born in November, and the boys were both born in October. Both sons are living down South - one in Florida and one in Louisiana. None of our children are married nor do they have children, and both sons keep a certain distance from their mother and sister for reasons similar to both families.

The Mom told us that at the time of divorce she kneeled in front of her husband and begged him not to leave her, and I shared that at the time of my divorce I was praying to God that he will kneel in front of me and beg me not to leave but he did not.

The Mom told us about her own Mom’s experience talking to a Gypsy and how everything she predicted had come true, and I shared my experience with a Russian lady in Iran who read my life and everything she predicted has come true, except for one prediction that I am still waiting for.

The daughter told us that no fortune teller has ever been able to read her so far and she was wondering about the reason. I searched the issue on the internet and I learned that the quality of our energy, our health condition at the time of reading, and being overworked or tired are among the reasons. 

The Mom told us about how she quit smoking (2 packs a day) with the help of a hypnotist, and I told them about my battle with breast cancer and how lucky I am to be a survivor.

The Mom told us that she lost her parents at the very young age and that her mother had a miscarriage of a daughter before having her. I shared that I was taken away from my mother by my father at the age of two because of their divorce and that my mother also had a miscarriage of a girl before having me.

It was interesting that both Moms liked Merlot wine, and both girls liked pumpkin and banana flavor in everything.

I was so intrigued and mystified by the similarity of our lives that I started to search and read about parallel lives and their significance. At one time I came across an internet commercial about a soon to be published book called “Parallel” which talks about collision of parallel worlds where your past is no more yours, and your future belongs to someone else!

The experience of the night at CIBO’s was very memorable for the four of us - the Moms and the daughters. We hope to involve our boys in this mystery of our parallel lives someday, but more importantly, the love and friendship that has developed during this short period of time is something that we will all cherish for ever. 

To be continued....